Monday, March 14, 2011

Mar. 14, 2011

Ok a couple things, first, I can´t believe Ty is completing a YEAR in the mission!!! WOOT WOOT! That´s awesome bud! And so sweet you still have another year to tear it up! Second, yeah I definitely saw that picture of Payden, and said, ahh chulina! aka ahh payden, cute! That´s so awesome!!! I´m so excited for him! ANd chachi! Awesome. Good job boys! And Gpa Al, Happy Belated Birthday!! Other thing, remember how whenever I started to feel sick or whatever, I would always say I had cancer? Now, it´s dengue. Everyone in Paraguay has dengue. And all these missionaries keep getting it and they just sent us this huge warning and all these things we need to do to prevent getting it haha. Man so my comp and I are so scared of getting dengue. And like every area we go to, they will say something about someone having it. Ha pray for us. Also, I have some really AWESOME NEWS! Manu got his mission call this week!!! ANd he is going to Peru!! So awesome, and so I´m just praying that Emilio gets his before I leave!! But that is just so awesome that they are going to go and be missionaries! And this week was just so good. We worked a full. We like doubled our numbers from the week before and just finding and teaching and finding and teaching. It´s a blast. Oh and there was like a lil cold front that came in yesterday, so the weather is awesome, which makes it even greater to work in. Tomorrow and Wednesday we have a conference with President which should be really good. Man once again I have just been so humbled and so grateful for all the blessings I have. Mostly about family. Man, family is the best. Yall better be ready to just be with me all the time, because that is what is so important. It is so sad to see all the broken families here. It´s something completely normal, and every time it just breaks my heart. I never realized how blessed I really was. Ha thanks parents for being so awesome, and siblings for being so awesome. We have such a great family. What a blessing. Man that´s so awesome we´ll be able to live together forever if we just do our part here in this life. Family is part of the plan of God. The main part. It´ll be so fun starting my own lil family... mas adelante. But it´s so cute to see Angela and Alisa and their lil families. And to just see how they are living the gospel and teaching their children now. That is following a prophet. Man, I am so excited for conference! Ha everyone in Paraguay thinks it is the end of the world. All of the newspapers say it. After what happened in Japan, ahh soo sad. And we just keep pointing at our plaques and say estamos en los ultimos dias. We´re in the last days, the signs are everywhere. Repent! Ha ok maybe not exactly like that, but man the gospel is true and I am so thankful for a living prophet and for the scriptures. We have all the things we need to prepare! Ha oh and yesterday at church a member came up and asked me if I could give the sunday school class about 2 minutes before it started, I was like oh perfect no problem. Ha so I did. And it acutally went really well, it was really cool to see how the spirit guided the lesson, and someone gave a comment about what a privilege it is to be a member of this true church. And I just kept thinking about that. What a privilege, what a responsibility. Ahh and how privileged I feel to be a representative of Jesus Christ and to serve my Lord for this year and a half. Awesome. I love yall and am so thankful for your love and support. Have a great week! Be good!

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