Hey hey hey!!! Ok wow what a week! First...grandma-I love you!!! I got your package and it was absolutely perfect! Just keep that up every 3 months and you'll be my favorite grandma :) haha and I have been getting your emails and I love them!! Keep them coming, I love hearing the little details of your life! Bueno, segundo, CAMBIOS! Changes...I am staying in the same area (QUE BENDICION!) with my same comp! Ahh we were so excited!!! So this will be my 4th change in this area! I love it and we're having a lot of fun together! AND Hna Case is back!!! She is now comps with Hna Garcia who lives with us, so now we all live together! So fun! And this is her last change of the mission, que triste, but we're going to live it up and it's awesome because we're in the same ward and zone and everything...it's almost like we're roommates. Love it. Ok haha and I didn't even remember that it was Easter until they announced it in conference! Ha Easter in Paraguay is la semana santa (holy week) and what do they do? Uhhh from what I could tell, they eat a lot of chipa!!! haha it's hilarious, and I ate so much chipa paraguaya...it's kinda like bread..but not. Ha yeah I don't know how to explain it, but it's not too bad and we helped make it, fun fun. Ah and on Friday nobody was outside...it was almost like a ghost town and there were NO COLLECTIVOS during the day, so after waiting for an hour and realizing that they weren't coming we decided to walk to our area..which took a lil over an hour...yikes! Oh the mission, but it was fun because we were all walking together and being goofs. And yeah so I didn't get any kind of easter dinner, BUT I did eat all my christmas candy from the Wariner's and trail mix and kit kats from grandma, so I have absolutely nothing to complain about! Ok and conference...WOW. I just love conference! Man, the church is so true, I can't get over it. And we were so blessed, because 7 of our investigators came with us to conference and I'm really excited to work with all of them and see them progress! Bueno, so all week long it was a lot of fun because we were contacting everyone and their dog...in this case...their cows and chickens...and it was such a great opportunity to teach and testify of prophets and the restored gospel on the earth today! And on Friday, we were walking passed this house and there was this guy outside on his chair and we just walked right passed him, and I was thinking, oh shoot we should've contacted him...but we just kept walking around the corner and there was a family all sitting there and we almost just walked right passed them too because we've already contacted them a lot, but we both kind turned and stopped right at the same time, and just started talking to them and they invited us in..and turns out the guy was one of their sons who we have never met before, and he came over about half way during our invitation and started asking questions (but like out of curiosity, not like he wanted to argue with us and see if we had the right answers to his questions like a lot of people do) and we invited him to the conference and he was like yeah I'll go, and he came to the session yesterday. Ha and he liked it and he seems like he's one of those escogidos (chosen) so I'm excited! Ha also Pedrito came (his mom didn't come) but his lil sister came with us...and it was so cute because he took notes! All on his own, and they were so cute. He's such a lil stud and we told him to make sure to share what he learned with his mom. So now we're just praying that his dad will give him permission to be baptized, because the mom said earlier this week that the dad didn't like the idea of it because he's too young to make sure a big decision. Ah pray for him. Ok and conference went by way to fast! At the end of each session, I couldn't believe it..I was like that's it?! I need more! And yeah so thankfully we were able to watch it in English...so all the Americans are in this room with a tiny lil tv, and my guapa comp was with all our investigators in the other room. Ha it's really sad because nobody comes to conference here...bueno, everyone comes for the sunday morning session, but there were maybe like 20 people there for all the other sessions. Que triste. They just must not understand exactly, because conference is AMAZING!
And what's this about Ty being a zone leader?! What in the world! Que rapido! What a stud. And yeah I want pictures already! I haven't even seen the ones from when he left or anything. Please, send me some! Gracias! And yeah Alena I want to see your yearbook stuff, that class seems like a lot of fun, and you'd be so good at that! And mom....wow! That RS road trip sounds like it was SO FUN! I'm serious...I'm glad you had so much fun! Ahh and I want to go to the SL temple too! And I'm excited to read the priesthood session in the ensign. Ha I just love conference, I love the gospel, the church is so true. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and for his sacrifice for me. I loved the emphasis on Jesus Christ and on families this conference, it was so perfect. And I loved that our beloved Prophet, Thomas S. Monson closed with my scripture!!! Did you think of me? “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct they paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 And it was so perfect for me...because I had just read that in my personal study that morning because the night before I was kinda having a hard time, because I felt like these last two changes we have worked SO HARD and done everything we were suppossed to be doing, but we weren't seeing any success and I couldn't understand why. And then when I heard the scripture read from the mouth of the prophet, i just knew that the Lord loves me and wants me to put my trust in Him because he sees the big picture, and it's ok if I don't understand everything because He knows. I was having a problem with leaning unto my own understanding, but that's not the way it works. It might not show in our numbers of baptisms that we are working hard, but we know that we are doing everything we can and the Lord knows and that's all that matters. He'll take care of the rest according to his voluntad (will). He knows what He's doing, He knows the people we're working with and their personal needs and He will help us as we turn to Him in faith and as we trust in Him, He will direct us for good and lead us by His Spirit. It was a good lesson to learn. Ah I love the Lord. I am learning SO MUCH! I feel so blessed for this opportunity! I love yall so much and am so thankful for your love and support! Have a great week!
Oh and it was so fun to read all about Nate! What a little stud. And so fun everything that happened this weekend, with easter, and conference and everything. I'm so proud of him for him getting over his fear of the water...now you better watch out bc he's always going to want to be in the water and he's going to try to jump in without his floats!
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